“Sexiest Women…really?” in Women in the Auto Industry on dealerELITE.net
The well-known poet, Maya Angelou, wrote something quite profound that I have never forgotten. “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will...
View ArticleWhere in the world is your finance penetration?
Way back in 1971, C.P. Snow wrote about technology in the New York Times. He said, “Technology… is a queer thing. It brings you great gifts with one hand, and it stabs you in the back with the other.”...
View ArticleChernek Returns to F&I Training!
Rebecca Chernek of Chernek Consulting-CCI Learning Center returns to F&I Training! Think Chernek: Think dynamic and energetic thought-provoking workshops. Think intuitive in-dealership training....
View ArticleCCI In Search of Agent Entrepreneur!
CCI Learning Center-Chernek Consulting, Inc. founded in 2001 over 25+ years of automotive retail experience with hundreds of satisfied clients throughout the United States is searching for entrepreneur...
View ArticleEntrepreneurs: They Embody the American Dream
Entrepreneurs: They Embody the American Dream The late Peter Drucker once said, “Entrepreneurship is neither a science nor an art. It is a practice.” CCI practices entrepreneurship. Small business...
View ArticleCCI-Closing Tools Mastering Menu Sales-Nov. 13th-14th & 15th-Atlanta, GA
Managers who have applied sound and well-practiced menu selling techniques, with regularity, have learned that offering every product to every customer 100% of the time increases product sales simply...
View ArticleFinance & Insurance Training: Get More Profits from Your Products
If you’re looking to see profits, you need to have the products people really want and need. You also need the proper finance & insurance training. Don’t just guess and assume you want what the...
View ArticleF&I Takes the Lead in 2014
It’s been said that there is infinite difference between mediocrity and superiority. Ask yourself: is your dealership really running as efficiently as you would like it to? If your first reaction to...
View ArticleClosing Tools Mastering Menu Sales Workshop-May 13th & 14th!
Ask the average car consumer what they think of auto salesmen. Warning: before you do, brace yourself for what you’re going to hear. Words like “seedy” and “not to be trusted” will likely be bandied...
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